The Recipe for a Perfect Cup of Joe

When you first get into brewing coffee, you might wonder where to start. Maybe you have a standard coffee maker that you’re interested in upgrading. Or, maybe you just need to know how many grams of coffee to add to your pour-over each morning. Whatever the case, there are several key factors to making the perfect cup of coffee.

First, you’ll want to start with excellent water. After all, it is the main ingredient in your coffee! Using filtered, distilled, or purified water is a great place to start. Experiment with each kind of water until you find your preferred taste profile.

Next, you’ll need the right equipment. For a pour-over, you’ll need a Chemex or off-brand pour-over, some filters, and a kettle. For a French Press, you’ll need a french press, and a kettle. For a pot of coffee, you’ll want filters, and (you guessed it) a coffee pot. All of these options should be paired with a scale or a measuring tool like a tablespoon.

Now, it’s time to talk about the methods. Each of these methods of brewing require a different coffee-to-water ratio, so check out the list below for a good idea of how much coffee and water you’ll need:

  • French Press:

2 cups of water for each 14 grams of coffee

  • Pour-over:

300 grams of water for each 20 grams of coffee

  • Pot of coffee:

1 cup of water for each 1-2 tablespoons of coffee

Each of these brewing methods also requires a different technique. A coffee pot is obviously more hands-off (usually just the push of a button), but a pour-over entails meticulous pours and a french press is reliant on timing. We’ll be sure to fill you in on the nuances of these brews in a later post.

Probably the most important factor to your cup of coffee is the coffee beans themselves. When you choose SA Coffees, you choose small-batch, freshly roasted beans that are meticulously quality controlled and tested to perfect their flavor profile. There you have it. The perfect cup of joe.

Now, you’re armed with the basics. You might choose to grind your own coffee or buy it pre-ground. However you choose to brew your coffee, we hope you enjoy our specialty roasts crafted with you in mind!